Christ at the Checkpoint 2012 organisers share platform with Holocaust denier

Christ at the Checkpoint 2012 organiser Alex Awad has a track record of preaching anti-Zionism around the world. Most notoriously, in May 2008, Awad attended the Voice of Palestine 60th Nakba Conference hosted in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Here is a picture of Awad (far-right) with Holocaust denier Fred Tobin (second-from-left):

You can read conference-attendee and Holocaust-denier Fred Tobin’s account of events in Jakarta here. You can see the aims of the Voice Of Palestine conference here. According to Tobin’s report, Awad advocated a one-state solution, as did others at the event.

Also in attendance was Ayatollah Khomeini’s daughter Zahra Mostafavi from Iran, who has previously urged children to become suicide bombers.  Fellow Checkpoint 2012organiser Stephen Sizer also spoke at this conference.vop4

You can see a list of speakers, including representatives from Hamas and Hezbollah, here. You can see photos of Awad at the conference here and here alongside, among others, Neturei Karta Jews Dovid Weiss and Aharon Cohen.

According to the Voice of Palestine website, Awad was representing the Bethlehem Bible College at this event.

The website Kesher Talk has previously highlighted the controversy surrounding Bethlehem Bible College and the Awad family, and cites Alex Awad and brother Bishara (himself President of the college) as having said:

“Palestinian Christians view Israel, and not Arafat, as the problem.”

And here for more about the Awad family’s views on Arafat.

It is worth noting that Alex Awad blames Israel for suicide bombings, and claims:

“When we fight for a piece of land, we use religion to rally people, to excite people to build zeal among the people so they will help accomplish a goal. Religion is used in the conflict, but it’s about land. The Muslim is fighting the Jew because of what the Jew took by force.”

One blogger reviewing Alex Awad’s book Palestinian Memories wrote:

“While Alex Awad has no problem detailing many instances of injustice committed by Israelis against Christians, he completely denies that there are any injustices committed by Muslims. Alex Awad has allowed his hate of Israelis to affect biblical worldview.”

Awad’s writing is used approvingly by the Amos Trust, who were recently criticised in the press for manipulating Christmas to advance a political agenda. Awad himself frequently writes articles critical of Israel and Zionism.

Whilst the faculty at Bethlehem Bible College are busy asking questions of Israel, it seems they have a lot to answer to themselves.


Filed under antisemitism, Christ at the Checkpoint

4 responses to “Christ at the Checkpoint 2012 organisers share platform with Holocaust denier

  1. This is the same Awad who, on the BBC’s “Songs of Praise” programme at easter last year, said that the Siddur is inherently misogynistic!

  2. Pingback: Christ at the Checkpoint 2012, Dr Jim West & pro-Nazi theology |

  3. Pingback: Christ at the Checkpoint 2012, Dr Jim West & pro-Nazi theology | Seismic Shock

  4. Pingback: Mensonges du propagandiste Ben White dans Le Devoir | Le blogue de David Ouellette

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