The FIEC speaks out against the BNP

From the FIEC:

The FIEC issued the folowing statement concerning the British National Party on 23 December 2009.

To all FIEC churches

We would wish you to be aware of a statement being made on a website in the public domain by the Rev Robert West, a parliamentary candidate representing the British National Party (BNP).

Mr West states the following: “I doubt very much that the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches oppose my views or the views of any genuine Christian and patriot, backed-up as they are by the holy Scriptures”.

Mr West has not contacted the FIEC office to find out what the views of the FIEC might be about this issue, and the FIEC regrets that Mr West has seen fit to make public reference to the supposed views of the FIEC without getting in touch with the office.

In fact, the FIEC strongly believes that the churches that make up the Fellowship would repudiate any idea that the Scriptures support the published policies of the BNP. There are elements within the policies of all political parties which are contrary to the Scriptures. In the case of the BNP, it appears to us that its policies seek to create an attitude of racial hierarchy which values people of some ethnic origins more than others. The Scriptures do not support any such policies, and we greatly regret that Mr West has asserted that they do, and in so doing, that he has linked the name of The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches with his own erroneous views. Mr West is not in any way accredited by or associated with the FIEC.

Richard Underwood
General Secretary
The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches

Well, this is about time!


Filed under anti-fascism, BNP, theology

9 responses to “The FIEC speaks out against the BNP

  1. modernityblog

    I forget if I asked this before, but does West actually have *any* qualifications to be a Vicar?

  2. Glasspole

    It took a while, but this is indeed a welcome statement. This West bloke is no more a “Minister” than is John Tyndall of the NF.

  3. RevRMBWest

    Thank you for your comments. I think there is a danger of people talking passed one another and this often happens in controversy. We have given the Biblical basis for our views in the Constitution of the Christian Council of Britain and, if you look at our website, on the sermon that has been put there on “Are Nations Ended?” you will see even more theological arguements and evidence that you might like to engage with. In the meantime may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new year.

    Revd RMB West, Moderator, Christian Council of Britain.

  4. James Mendelsohn

    Good on the FIEC for finally making this statement

  5. RevRMBWest

    I think that the recent statement made by the General Secretary of the FIEC is factually incorrect as a great many of the policies of the British National Party are supported by the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. It would be helpful if the FIEC condemned the policies of the mainstream parties which do very much go against the Bible. On the other hand the FIEC do have a lot on their plate, church wise, and may simply not have the time to get involved. They may feel that they lack the expertise also. One has to reflect deeply upon the scriptures and the several political ideologies to work out which ones are most in agreement with the holy Scriptures; and this is not the work of a day. We should continue to pray for the FIEC, and all of its churches, that they may continue to know the presence of God on their preachers and ministers in the proclamation of the gospel to all nations.

    Revd RMB West, Christian Council of Britain

  6. Ademola Adebayo


    I am a Christian and I fellowship at a FIEC church. I subscribe to all the statements of faith of my local church and FIEC. My question is that Will it not be good to include in your statement of faith a comment such as “We as a Church believe that all men and women are equal before God irrespective of colour, race or nationality. As you know, the key source of racism today is evolution and including this statement (which is a primary issue) will remove any doubt as to where you stand.

  7. RevRMBWest

    Dear Ademola,

    Thank you for your comments. It is good to hear that you are a member, and support, an FIEC church.

    We take it for granted in the CCoB, in our Constitution, that the races and nations of men are different and that they have devolved and differentiated from a common stock by a providential process of sub-speciation. This is something we value but it means that we are not exactly the same, nor should we be; there really is diversity. We should all be equal, however, under the law of God and in the sight of God, that much can be taken for granted; but God does bequeathe different gifts and opportunties as to Him seems right (Acts 16: 6, 7), in both nature and grace (1 Cor 12: 14-31). Not every race, or nation, will be equal in every respect, any more than every individual will be; and there will be average differentations across a broad spectrum of aptitudes and abitlities; but each nation will have its place (and bring its distinctive glory) into the Kingdom of God. Not all are apostles, do all speak in tongues? There are some who will shine as the stars in heaven (Daniel 12: 3). If we are all going to be exactly the same then there will be no diversity at all. God raises up one and puts down another, and what may be the situation now, may be different tomorrow.

    I will bear in mind what you have said and it could be that we may make some statement on this point, if the Executive Committee feels that it is needed, or helpful.

    I accept what you say about Darwin’s form of the doctrine of Evolution, as one of the sources of a particular kind of racial hegemonialism, as Darwin’s Origin – and not a few of his comments – are akin to the temper,texture and line-of-reasoning of Hitler’s Mein Kamph! However, the real problem goes beyond Darwin to sin itself as we had, in some ways, similar kinds of racial antipathy and violent hatred long before Darwin. A lot of inter-ethnic strife is related just to man and is not justified, or thought of, in terms of Darwinism at all.

    As much as I see your point and as much as I disagree with Darwin on both inductive scientific, and moral grounds, I think we may be laying too much at his door if we blame all or even most inter-ethnic strife on him, or his theory. The problem is Man!

  8. Ademola Adebayo

    Thanks very much for your rejoiner. I did not even know that you have replied. I was searching for something else when I stumbled on to this reply. You have hit the “nail on the head” in saying that SIN is the cause of inter racial strife. I still believe though that it is important to emphaise the equality of all races. Whilst I agree that this is assumed, I believe that in the 21st century, many assumptions may be incorrect. Also from my name, you may note that I am African by origin, however, I see myself first as a citizen of heaven and second as a citizen of the UK, since I was born in this country. Racially, I see myself as a black Briton.

  9. RevRMBWest

    I have just come across your very kind rejoinder. I am white as you may have guessed but the white/black racial divide is not really a problem to true Christianss. We are all one in Christ Jesus, as the scriptures say; the only real problem is outside of the true community of faith. I will put to the Executive Committee that “…all races are of equal worth in the sight of God since the coming of Christ…” .

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