Stephen Sizer cites (another) Holocaust denier

UPDATE: Cross-posted at Harry’s Place.

On a talk show for Press TV, in an interview with Alan Hart, Reverend Stephen Sizer cites American evangelical Dale Crowley after about four minutes.

Dale Crowley’s anti-Israel radio talk show (Crowley’s Spotlight on Israel, with a nod and a wink to the fascist magazine Spotlight) was recently taken off the air, as it was considered hateful. Crowley is well-respected in the Christian Identity movement, a racist and antisemitic Christian cult popular in the USA (more on this here).

Richard Bartholomew writes about Dale Crowley:

Al-Jazeerah, meanwhile, notes that a certain Dale Crowley was fired from a Christian radio station recently for publicly blaming Israel for Palestinian Christian woes. That firing may have been unfair, but it was no great loss: the fundamentalist Rev Crowley keeps company with unsavoury characters connected with the far-right Liberty Lobby and its Spotlight magazine. For many years Dale Crowley worked with Haviv Schieber, a former ultra-right Zionist who rejected Israel because of its supposed socialism (Public Eye has more).

Dale Crowley participated in the Barnes Review conference, at which participants denied that Holocaust took place. See photos here. As well as running an anti-Israel talk show, and describing Israel as the ‘kingdom of Satan’, Crowley is linked to the American far-right Liberty Lobby, as this article shows. Crowley is considered an ‘unsung hero of the right’.

A commenter on the forum of the American Nationalist Union website called ‘aryanfreeman’ has this to say about Crowley:

1. When the Holohoax museum went up in DC, he picketed it faithfully and publicized the fact that a film shown continuously in it attempted to tear down Christianity and blame the Holy-co$t on it. He raised enough noise to get the film altered — an almost unprecedented accomplishment in terms of truth engineering.


2. He has spoken at Populist Party events when the truth we embrace in this forum was even less in circulation than today, and when the Party was vilified as the worst outcropping of “neo-Nazi” naughtiness this side of the KKK. Really he’s one of the leading pioneers in the opposition of Jewish supremacism, and was at it long before many anti-Zionists living today were aware of anything — including me.

2)Populist Party-not nazi=red herring; Bo Gritz also attached himself to PP=a phony patriot-for-profit,gov plant. Crowley is another Identity basher for the Spiritual Israelists.

3. He has done all this — certainly in the time I’ve known him — under the burden of a serious heart condition.

3) OK.

His father, Dale Crowley Sr., founded the National Religious Broadcasters organization, and lived to see (and deplore) the day that lesser people would turn it into the morally useless piece of junk it is today — but the organzation was great while it lasted. Quite early in the game Dale Sr. or Jr. was the object of a murder plot because of their dedication to Truth — have got the story in print somewhere.

I have previously questioned Stephen Sizer’s connections with the American far right and Holocaust denial, and will continue to do so.

Following the recent controversy surrounding Richard Williamson, Christian denominations may also wish to reconsider their opinions about Rev Stephen Sizer.


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7 responses to “Stephen Sizer cites (another) Holocaust denier

  1. Pingback: Stephen Sizer cites (another) Holocaust denier – Politics Unlimited | UK politics news

  2. Edward

    Sizer is antisemitic scum

  3. Pingback: Moriel Archive » Blog Archive » Stephen Sizer Cites (Another) Holocaust Denier

  4. Stephen Archer

    Another Holocaust DENIER!
    The Church has NOT replaced Israel!
    If you don’t believe that Israel is God’s CHOSEN peculiar people, then, you would have to deny most of Scripture, and you would be left with your own religion…

  5. John Stott

    And that religion is called Augustinian Supercessionism.

  6. John Shorack

    No one seems to notice that Sizer cites John Hagee in the same sentence, and for the same purpose. He is using two recognizable figures, at either end of the Christian Zionism spectrum, to give an idea of how many advocates of Christian Zionism are in America. If he is not endorsing John Hagee, then he is certainly, also, not endorsing David Crowley.

  7. Pingback: Stephen Sizer vs Seismic Shock « Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion

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